About Us

How it works?

We help you build a better

Umbrella Company payroll

Prompt resource engage thousands of contractors across the UK. Our service allows individuals to take advantage of all the benefits offered to an employee, including holiday pay, sick pay and maternity/paternity leave, whilst enjoying the flexibility of undertaking a range of temporary assignments.

Umbrella Companies have been around for a while now and will be for the foreseeable future. They are vital in providing consultants, freelancers and contractors with a hassle-free, compliant and profitable alternative to setting-up and running your own limited company.

Our umbrella services are suitable for any temporary worker earning over £11.00 per hour. Prompt resource provides contract workers with the ability to make the most of their income whilst minimising administration and paperwork. We take a small margin for our services.
Whether you are an individual contractor or represent an agency who wants to get the very best service for your workforce,Prompt resource lets you enjoy a compliant, dependable and assured service that guarantees to look after your interests and put you and your workforce first.

The type of expenses that you are allowed to claim has been since 6th April 2016 restricted by Government Legislation.

We provide best solutions

We stay with you all the way through once you are registered with us. There is no need to re-register should you move agencies or assignments.